GTA V - Dragons

This script I made to be used with the dragon models recently released by Quechus13, you will find links for the models some lines below

Step 1 - Download and install the script
Step 2 - Download and install the dragon models: Small dragon model and the Big dragon model

Both dragon models are required to have all features of the script

If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:


Installation:  Check this post or see the Installation guide (BR - EN):

You NEED UPDATED ScripthookVDotNet installed and working to run my mods ;)


Press Ctrl + N to show the mods menu

When in dragon mode:
Press number 1 (the one close to QWE) to change attack mode to Flames
Press number 2 to change attack mode to Fireball
Press number  3 to change attack mode to Wing slash
Left mouse button - Attack
E - Grab peds/vehicles (vehicles only with big dragon)
R - Eat/bite peds

When in normal ped mode:

Hold R when aiming to a Ally big dragon to start the Ride feature (message must appear in right bottom corner)
Hold Space while riding a dragon to jump out

Flight controls:

W, A, S and D - Control movement
Mouse - Control camera and dragon direction

You can change some hotkeys in the self-generated .ini file


Hold left and right shoulders (in vehicles hold right and left triggers and press DPad Right) to show mods menu

DPad right - Change the attack mode
Hold Left trigger - Grab things
Right trigger - Attack
Left shoulder - Move down
Right shoulder - Move up
Right stick - Control movement
Left stick - Control camera and dragon direction
Hold B - Trigger the big dragon ride
Hold X - Jump out of big dragon when in ride mode
Hold A - Eat/bite peds


-Dragon invasion: Dragons appear in Los Santos attacking people on streets, special vehicles with guns will come to combat the dragons.
-Become dragon: You can become a dragon and use his attacks and fly
-Ride the big dragon: You can ride the big dragon and control his flight and attacks
-Spawn dragon enemy
-Spawn dragon ally


Script by JulioNIB
Models by Quechus13
ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire



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