GTA V - NIBMods menu download

Here you can download the latest version of my mod menu that is used to handle all my mods ;)

Download the menu here

Installation:  Check the readme inside the zip file.

You NEED UPDATED ScripthookVDotNet installed and working to run my mods ;)


Ctrl + N - Show mods menu
Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu

In controller:

Hold left and right shoulders (in vehicles hold right and left triggers and press DPad Right) - Show mods menu
Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu

*Obs.: Only few mods and the mods menu accept Controller controls, i will update the other mods later, maybe ^^

You can change some hotkeys in the self-generated .ini file


This mod menu have some tools for developers/users that allow you to:

-Spawn vehicles
-Do the things listed in this image (Dev. tools option \o/):


ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire


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