GTA V - CriminalsV script mod

This mod will make some crimes start on city at random times or you can trigger them in the mod menu.


If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:


Installation:  Check this post

You NEED UPDATED ScripthookVDotNet installed and working to run my mods ;)


Ctrl + N - Show mods menu
D1 (number 1 close to QWE keys) - Select machine gun in special vehicle
D2 (number 2 close to QWE keys) - Select missile launcher in special vehicle
D3 (number 3 close to QWE keys) - Release tyre spikes in special vehicle
Shift - Special boost

No controller support yet

You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file

About this mod

We have crimes like:

Small stores robbery
Bank robbery
Tank robbery
Cash machine robbery
and more...

The script will apply a reduced weapon damage from enemies to make things more possible for normal player, but
if you use a super hero mod with more health like HULK or ironman the damage will be increase to default :)

The damage also increases with the respect amount, if you kill enemies their respect level will reduce until -100%
then you will have up to 33% more damage from enemies.

You also can customize some cars in the "Suspicious Garage", a icon (mechanic tools icon) will appear on map.
There you can:

-Fix vehicle
-Add bullet/explosion protection
-Add machine guns
-Add missiles
-Add tyre spikes
-Add special boost

You can use the mod menu to call a special vehicle delivery
You can use the mod menu to call a special ride

Killing cops/innocent people will make the cops respect decrease

If you succeed stopping a crime the wanted level should be reseted to zero


ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire



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