GTA V PC - HULK script mod
The HULK script mod for GTA V
Download the HULK script (Required)
You can watch the full installation guide sample here, its for IronmanV but the idea is the same: (PT-BR) (EN)
Plugins required: Make sure that you have the latest version of ScripthookVDotNet installed (v2.4) and working. Script will not work without this plugin. You also need ScripthookV and ASI loader installed. Check the required windows packages and how to install here.
Use latest game patch for better experience, outdated game patchs may not contain the anims used in the mod.
Installation: Check this post
You NEED ScripthookVDotNet installed and working to run my mods ;)
To use Ironman against HULK enemy you need to update your IronmanV script to v1.4 or later:
Extra files
***** HULK retexture mod by Rarefacer *****
Download (optional): Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
This is a WIP texture mod by Rarefacer, using openiv find the babyd character and replace his textures (the file YTD),
you can use openiv search and search for *babyd*ytd for easier search, this is the default location of this file:
***** HULK custom model *****
Download (optional): Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
This is a custom model to be used as HULK, have lot of visual bugs. Install this like you install a IronmanV armor, then enable the usage in the Hulk mod menu. Source of this model: - Thx to 3dregenerator.
***** Abomination custom model *****
Download: Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
This is a custom model to be used as Abomination, have lot of visual bugs. Install this like you install a IronmanV armor, then enable the usage in the Hulk mod menu. Source of this model: - Thx to mrbones.
Ctrl+N - Show mods menu
Jump - Big jump, hold to increase height
E - Lift/grab entities
T - Thunder clap, hold up to 3 seconds to cause more havoc
Left mouse button - Melee attacks/Throw Lifted/grabbed entity/Fall faster causing more damage
You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file
Use the menu to become HULK or spawn a enemy, you can set a hotkey in the self generated .ini file in scripts folder after first launch.
By default the skin is the BabyD character, you can change in the mod menu/.ini file, no text = Player char.
X - Jump
Left trigger - Grab
Right bumper - Thunder clap
Right trigger/B - Attack
Left ThumbStick - Move player
Right ThumbStick - Point camera
Some features
-You can derail trains if you collided in front with them or if you use Jump + Attack close to them
-You can perform big jumps to cause big impact when falling back to ground causing destruction
-You can lift entities like: Vehicles, dumpsters, chemical bathroom, "big yellow ball" and other big objects (didn't added all objects yet)
-You can grab and throw peds
-You can grab a lamp pole (almost all i hope) and use as baseball bat (melee attack hotkey)
-With a "baseball bat" (lamp pole) you can hold melee attack hotkey while in mid air to perform a nice smashing attack against ground
-You can spawn a Enemy that will start messing around on the city until you get close to him, then things become personal, then you are f%*ked
-Insurgents, Buzzards, Valkyries and even Tanks will come after you (when HULK) and after enemy Hulk
-You can spawn how much HULK enemies you want, but i don't recommend more than one, big performance drop.
-HULK will automatically try to pull away things that are in the way when he is running, so, to lift/grab hold E to avoid pull away what you want lift/grab
-In melee attack HULK will jump to target if target is away
-HULK enemy its the BETA feature of this mod, sometimes it "bug", sometimes it dies easy
ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire
Mod goes with a BabyD retexture mod by Rarefacer and with a WIP custom model by me.
Special thanks to
Davy Jones -
Games EduUu -
Olli43 -
Slogoman -
Noah -
TheGamingLemon -
ElChurches - - ElChurches
Sam Fantastical -
Kwebbelkop -
Typical Gamer -
TwoDynamicHD -
Makiman -
JoblessGarrett -
Andy Kun -
Eduardo Sigolo
Download the HULK script (Required)
You can watch the full installation guide sample here, its for IronmanV but the idea is the same: (PT-BR) (EN)
Or see how to install .OIV packages here:
Plugins required: Make sure that you have the latest version of ScripthookVDotNet installed (v2.4) and working. Script will not work without this plugin. You also need ScripthookV and ASI loader installed. Check the required windows packages and how to install here.
Use latest game patch for better experience, outdated game patchs may not contain the anims used in the mod.
If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:
Installation: Check this post
You NEED ScripthookVDotNet installed and working to run my mods ;)
To use Ironman against HULK enemy you need to update your IronmanV script to v1.4 or later:
Extra files
***** HULK retexture mod by Rarefacer *****
Download (optional): Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
This is a WIP texture mod by Rarefacer, using openiv find the babyd character and replace his textures (the file YTD),
you can use openiv search and search for *babyd*ytd for easier search, this is the default location of this file:
***** HULK custom model *****
Download (optional): Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
This is a custom model to be used as HULK, have lot of visual bugs. Install this like you install a IronmanV armor, then enable the usage in the Hulk mod menu. Source of this model: - Thx to 3dregenerator.
***** Abomination custom model *****
Download: Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
This is a custom model to be used as Abomination, have lot of visual bugs. Install this like you install a IronmanV armor, then enable the usage in the Hulk mod menu. Source of this model: - Thx to mrbones.
Ctrl+N - Show mods menu
Jump - Big jump, hold to increase height
E - Lift/grab entities
T - Thunder clap, hold up to 3 seconds to cause more havoc
Left mouse button - Melee attacks/Throw Lifted/grabbed entity/Fall faster causing more damage
You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file
Use the menu to become HULK or spawn a enemy, you can set a hotkey in the self generated .ini file in scripts folder after first launch.
By default the skin is the BabyD character, you can change in the mod menu/.ini file, no text = Player char.
X - Jump
Left trigger - Grab
Right bumper - Thunder clap
Right trigger/B - Attack
Left ThumbStick - Move player
Right ThumbStick - Point camera
Some features
-You can derail trains if you collided in front with them or if you use Jump + Attack close to them
-You can perform big jumps to cause big impact when falling back to ground causing destruction
-You can lift entities like: Vehicles, dumpsters, chemical bathroom, "big yellow ball" and other big objects (didn't added all objects yet)
-You can grab and throw peds
-You can grab a lamp pole (almost all i hope) and use as baseball bat (melee attack hotkey)
-With a "baseball bat" (lamp pole) you can hold melee attack hotkey while in mid air to perform a nice smashing attack against ground
-You can spawn a Enemy that will start messing around on the city until you get close to him, then things become personal, then you are f%*ked
-Insurgents, Buzzards, Valkyries and even Tanks will come after you (when HULK) and after enemy Hulk
-You can spawn how much HULK enemies you want, but i don't recommend more than one, big performance drop.
-HULK will automatically try to pull away things that are in the way when he is running, so, to lift/grab hold E to avoid pull away what you want lift/grab
-In melee attack HULK will jump to target if target is away
-HULK enemy its the BETA feature of this mod, sometimes it "bug", sometimes it dies easy
ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire
Mod goes with a BabyD retexture mod by Rarefacer and with a WIP custom model by me.
Special thanks to
Davy Jones -
Games EduUu -
Olli43 -
Slogoman -
Noah -
TheGamingLemon -
ElChurches - - ElChurches
Sam Fantastical -
Kwebbelkop -
Typical Gamer -
TwoDynamicHD -
Makiman -
JoblessGarrett -
Andy Kun -
Eduardo Sigolo
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