GTA V PC Native Trainer + Scripthook + ASI Loader by Alexander Blade
First GTA V Native Trainer released for public by Alexander Blade :)
It's based on a scripthook that is is the basic tool for scripting. The scripthook by Alexander Blade allow the creation of custom .asi scripts like this Trainer, with those files we can start to make the "magic" happen in game. The scripthook will be deactivated in Online mode ( thx Blade :) ) to avoid stupid cheating and possible bans for the users ;)
Soon i will try to write some codes for V.
Download (Based on game version 1.0.335.2)
Installation: Copy the files dsound.dll, NativeTrainer.asi and ScriptHookV.dll to your GTA5.exe folder (Commonly at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V). Run game as administrator.
Mod not working
Case you copied all files to the game folder (GTA5.exe folder) and F4 still don't work there is somethings you can check:
-If your game patch is compatible:
This is the file version compatible with the first release of the trainer + asi loader + scripthook.
-If the version is ok you can check if the LOG files (asiloader.log and ScriptHookV.log) are being generated after game load, if they don't exists maybe you need to run game administrator.
Also open the log files may be helpful to see a possible problem.
Case you need more support go to the official GTAForums thread clicking here.
F4 - Show the mod menu
Numpad 2, 8, 4, 6 - Navigate up/down/left/right in the menu (Numlock must be On)
Numpad 0 - Go back to previous menu
Numpad 5 - Enter/activate actual menu item
Numpad 9 - Vehicle speed up (when option is activated in the Vehicle menu)
Numpad + - Shoot rockets with vehicle (when option is activated in the Vehicle menu)
Alexander Blade and whoever is related to the scripthook + asi loader + native methods develop/research (sorry don't know the names yet)
It's based on a scripthook that is is the basic tool for scripting. The scripthook by Alexander Blade allow the creation of custom .asi scripts like this Trainer, with those files we can start to make the "magic" happen in game. The scripthook will be deactivated in Online mode ( thx Blade :) ) to avoid stupid cheating and possible bans for the users ;)
Soon i will try to write some codes for V.
Download (Based on game version 1.0.335.2)
If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:
Installation: Copy the files dsound.dll, NativeTrainer.asi and ScriptHookV.dll to your GTA5.exe folder (Commonly at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V). Run game as administrator.
Mod not working
Case you copied all files to the game folder (GTA5.exe folder) and F4 still don't work there is somethings you can check:
-If your game patch is compatible:
This is the file version compatible with the first release of the trainer + asi loader + scripthook.
-If the version is ok you can check if the LOG files (asiloader.log and ScriptHookV.log) are being generated after game load, if they don't exists maybe you need to run game administrator.
Also open the log files may be helpful to see a possible problem.
Case you need more support go to the official GTAForums thread clicking here.
F4 - Show the mod menu
Numpad 2, 8, 4, 6 - Navigate up/down/left/right in the menu (Numlock must be On)
Numpad 0 - Go back to previous menu
Numpad 5 - Enter/activate actual menu item
Numpad 9 - Vehicle speed up (when option is activated in the Vehicle menu)
Numpad + - Shoot rockets with vehicle (when option is activated in the Vehicle menu)
Alexander Blade and whoever is related to the scripthook + asi loader + native methods develop/research (sorry don't know the names yet)
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