iCEnhancer 3.0 by Ice La Glace

iCEnhancer 3.0 - This is one of the best "custom ENB + shaders + everything else needed" available for GTA IV, it really gives another look to the game. People was waiting for this mod update for months and finally its released :)

Download iCEnhancer v3.0 here (source)

Download the Weather Control script used in this video here


-iCEnhancer (Read the readme.txt)
-Weather Control: Extract the files to GTA Scripts folder (Scripthook needed)


-iCEnhancer (Read the readme.txt)

-Weather Control: Insert - Show mods menu.

You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file


iCEnhancer v3.0 by Ice La Glace
ENB by Boris Vorontsov
Weather Control script by JulioNIB



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