DUBStep gun - Scripting for fun

This mod will give to player an DUBStep gun, when you shoot at people they will start to dance :)
The idea is recreate Saints Row IV dubstep gun, but unfortunately my results are not even close.

We can shoot directly or using grenade launcher to affect more people.

Versão BRaqui


If you want share this mod anywhere, please use this link as reference:



Know issues

Windows 8 users may experience an error message when script loads, maybe this can be avoided setting this variable in the DUBStep.ini file:


if the .ini file don't exists you can create one.


Press Insert to see my mods menu and activate the DUBStep gun or press number zero (the one above P) to direct activate/deactivate the gun
Press Tab to switch between Normal shot and Grenade launcher
Hold aim to keep the music playing

Script by JulioNIB, anims by Yeardley Diamond, gun model by Quechus13

Mod requested by Yeardley Diamond: https://www.youtube.com/user/YeardlyDiamond1
Music by teknoaxe: http://www.youtube.com/teknoaxe (Beat Timed Grime)



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