Dual Wielding style - GTA iV

This mod basically will bring the ability to use two guns (glock, deagle, shotgun, uzi and others) as result of the combination of animation editing and scripting.


Download skins and more edited anims like one hand wielding in ac.amir blog

Versão BRaqui

This script also includes an optional headshot feature that apply a temporary slow motion when you perform a headshot kill and a slow motion feature activated when you press Tab.

if you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following links 
as reference for download:


Actual modded anims:

Combat Shotgun (partial edit,  idle anim in progress)
Sawed off shotgun (TLad)
Sweeper (TLaD)
CZ75 pistol (TLaD)
Golden uzi (TBoGT)
AA12 (TBoGT)
AA12 explosive (TBoGT)
P90 (TBoGT)

*The anims for shotguns for EFLC may affect the fire rate


Script by JulioNIB
Anims by ac.amir

How to Uninstall the mod or install less modded anims

To uninstall the mod and restore your anims you need to do the following:

Download the pack to restore anims (up there) and use OpenIV for easy install or:

First go to your gta Scripts folder and remove the file DualWielding.net.dll, this will disable the script.

Second open the .oiv file with Winzip or WinRar, open the folder "contents", "anims to replace" and you will see some folder that start with "backup.":

Inside those folders you will find the original anims for GTA IV, EFLC (main), TBoGT and TLaD, now use OpenIV or SparkIV to restore those files :)

Now, if you want install only selected anims, you can install the Package, and restore only the anims that you want normal, and in the script menu (Insert hotkey) you can enable or disable the desired gun.


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