[Script] Iron Man IV v1.1 - Prerelease post
I will "prerelease" the Iron Man IV script v1.1 here, I'm working on it, it's not finished yet but i fixed some issues related to aim camera, animations and the "Error in script 'Iron Man IV' and other things, it's not a good idea reupload this file because it will be updated soon probably ;), when i finish this i will send to h1vltg3 so he can update the original download sources.
Download last version here
Check the new armors post
Backup your previous version :)
Download last version here
Check the new armors post
Backup your previous version :)
- Fixed water bug that happens when you fall in water when in flight, causing an bug in camera making it look to the ass of the player when aiming ^^
- Fixed error for missing files, now the missing files will be ignored
- Fixed "look behind" function, now you can look behind (commonly triggered with key C) without having that weird camera movement
- Fixed chest repulsor beam position
- Fixed hand repulsor beam position
- Fixed fast rotation behavior when activating flight, now player will turn until reach camera direction
- Added damage for fast landing
- Added damage to cars hit when landing
- Fixed bug that makes close car disappear when activating flight
- Added roll for turns when in flight at mid/high speed
- Removed automatic flight turn off when getting close to ground, now it will turn off when close to ground and with big speed decrease detected
- Improved wanted level increase, now increases only when really firing and when there are cops close
- Improved cops detection, now will detect cops and add small blips to them only when armor is equipped
- Improved weapon heat (cooldown time), now we can shoot more :)
- Almost fixed unwanted melee movement after shooting, almost ^^
- Fix landing animation after using repulsor beam guns
- Fix random aim camera issue that can happen when, in combat with flying enemies, being hit by a rocket
- Fix normal game mission bugs/crashes
- Add custom missions ( need some ideas :) )
- Create new super enemy
If you find bugs, feel free to talk about them in the comments section below, it's "free" ;)
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