Iron Man IV script mod - Possible problems and possible solutions :)

In this post i wanna show some possible problems that you can have with Iron Man IV script and some possible solutions.

First of all, if the script don't work, you did something wrong or have wrong or incompatible software (Crack, patch version, ASI loader, scripthook version, etc.), the script works fine if everything is ok, and it's not hard to make it happen, basically a fresh install of the game "patched" to in a computer with .Net framework 4.0 and running the game as administrator will be enough.

Download last version here

Make sure that you have the following packages installed:
and maybe:

Make sure that you can load .Net Scripthook scripts or you will not be able to run this mod :(

Possible problems

  • Game crash at loading screen.
This can happen if you:

Is using wrong ScriptHook.dll version, the default DLL that goes with script its to be used with GTA with patch or later, or with EFLC, if you wanna run the script in the GTA with patch or lower you  need to copy the DLL from folder "DLL for" and overwrite the default one in the GTAIV.exe folder.

Didn't copied file Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll, this file is loaded by script with xbox 360 control support, so if its missing game will crash at loading screen when script is loaded.

  • Error in script 'Iron Man IV':
Try the command reloadscripts, press " to see the scripthook console window.

This error can happen if you don't copy all files from Scripts folder:

to Scritps folder in GTAIV.exe folder.

This error can happen too if another script mod is deleting one of the Iron Man IV objects, in this case i recommend to remove all other scripts and test only with Iron Man IV to make sure that this is the reason or not.

Sometimes this error can happen randomly at game startup, in this case try using the scripthook console command reloadscripts, press " to see the console window then type the command.

  • Game crash at first screen (black screen):

Some users had this issue and was related to incompatible ScriptHookDotNet.asi file, so they tryed other sources and worked.

Another thing that you can try is use CCleaner to clean windows registry issues, this helped one of the users, game was crashing at loading screen and all was properly installed, so he did this registry clean and the problem was fixed :)

I hope that this info can help you solve your Iron Man IV problems :)


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