[TUT] Heli Combat - Creating custom helicopter config

In this video i try to explain with my bad english :( how to create an custom config for an helicopter in Heli Combat script.

  • Download the helicopter, install it, you can try to follow this tutorial to add the helicopter without replace an game helicopter, or you can replace one of the game helicopters :)
  • In the game, press " to see the scripthook console window then type the command helispawn to create the helicopter:

  • Now that you are inside the helicopter and in an stable position, type the command heliedit:

You will see this menu:

  • Now type the name of the model in the item Model name, use up/down to move through the menu items
  • Edit the Display name too
  • In the Can be enemy option you can set if this helicopter will be an possible enemy when chopper cops come, actually to work you need to replace polmav or annihilator models, but i will change this in future, i hope :)
  • In the Edit camera item you can set the position of the custom cameras, use Numpad 2, 4, 6, 8 to move (X and Y axis) and Page Up and Page Down to move up or down (Z axis), the penultimate camera is the Gunner camera, this camera will display an gun in front of the camera, it usually stay in one of the back doors of the helicopter:

          The last camera is another kind of Gunner camera, but this one have Night vision and, for EFLC only, Thermal vision  effect, it usually stay in the front of the helicopter

  • In the Edit "mini rockets" option you can set the Hellfire launchers position, like camera, use numpad and page up/down to move, put it always one or more steps ahead of the correct position, do this to avoid hit the rocket when launching it with the helicopter going fast
  • Use Edit rocket to set the position of the rockets
Tip: after setting the position of the mini rocket or rocket you can press C to create the cloned opposite item, this is very useful and make the process more fast and precise.

After setting all press Numpad0 to save, note that you can't be editing the display name or model name when pressing Numpad0 to save because in this position the press will result in number 0 on the name :)


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