
Showing posts from May, 2013

Iron Man IV - Installation guide (based on last version)

This post is outdated, check the last version of this mod  here

Iron Man IV - Armor pack to replace mission chars

Check the last version of this mod  here *** This armor pack has been setup to replace mission chars, this will avoid the add peds method side effects/"crashes" . So if your game crash when you select an added armor or your EFLC not even opens, you should try this method :) Remember : This will replace some missions characters. Tip : If you installed first version and  replaced  some common street peds, you can use the pack of  this  post to restore those peds :) Easy install Download  and install using OpenIV Package installer Manual setup Download Extract all files to an folder: If you have the armor pack with added peds method you should copy the provided peds.ide and pedVariations.dat to your "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\common\data" (or the proper EFLC folders) and overwrite to restore the original ped config Now using OpenIV , open componentpeds.img (models\cdimages) and replace the mission chars with the provided files, also ...

Iron Man IV - The All-in-one Armor pack (installation and fix)

*** This method works but have some side effects i don't recommend the use of this method: Don't work fine in EFLC Causes bugs with interactive points like internet cafe For some people it result in clean streets with no peds or moving cars And for some it just don't work because game crash when select armor Because of this i recommend the pack that uses replace method, it will replace mission characters. Check this tutorial and download the pack here . If you tried this pack and want to try the replace method you need to restore your peds.ide and pedVariations.dat, i provide the original for GTA IV and EFLC on the tutorial above. *** Tip : If you installed first version and  replaced  some common street peds, you can use the pack of  this  post to restore those peds :) They ( H1Vltg3 ,  Wapeddell  and  Quechus13 ) released an All-in-one armor pack with a lot of armors but they missed some armor configs, so i fixed them and uploaded here , now ...

Iron Man IV update v1.1 and source code

Check last version of this mod here

[TUT] Using custom Classes

I use classes basically when i need to add properties or methods to an game object, for example in Iron Man IV i use classes to control all the enemies or allies behavior (flight, shoot, target locking, etc.), in Heli Combat i use classes to make the Nightvision effect, it's very useful. For example, let's say that we want get peds damaged by player and make them float for a while, each shoot will make them float for 1 second. We can create an simple class that holds the Ped , the time of float state, an trigger to start/increase the float state and the method that will make them float : Here we have: Public p as Ped = Nothing - this is the ped, i set = nothing to make sure that starts with nothing for the ped object, this is a Public property, it means that we can access it outside the class Private float_time As Double = 0 - this is how much time the ped will float, an counter, its Private because i don't need to access it outside the class Public Sub New(tPed As Ped)  ...

Iron Man IV - Adding new armors without replace any game Ped :)

Thx to Clark King  now i know how to add armors without replace normal game peds. EFLC observation :  I tried this method on EFLC with  no success , game crash at loading screen, i believe that is not possible make this work on EFLC, i also tried the "exclusive" componentpeds.img and peds.ide files (C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\EFLC\ TBoGT \common\data\peds.ide) with same results, so you will have to  replace  normal peds, you can replace the ones that start with  IG_  (mission chars) or  CS_  (cutscene chars, this one i  didnt tested ), remember to  edit  the model name in the armor  .in i file. Check the New armors post  here Know side effects : Some users reported random planes appearing in some areas in city, i noticed some parts of an ship in some areas, its not big deal, it's just weird ^^ * Fix for the side effects: Install the armor pack that have all pedVariations.dat data for each armor or add the pedVa...

[TUT] Using NAudio to play sounds - Very good, play more than one sound at same time :)

Hohoho, that's nice, thx to my friend TheVideoVolcano  and to NAudio developers now i can play simultaneous sounds in my scripts, and you too :) What we need is this beautiful DLL: NAudio The code it's very simple: We need to add Naudio.dll as reference in the project and paste one copy of this file in the GTAIV.exe folder Other interesting features is: Control Volume : original volume is 1.0, we can reduce or increase it: wc.Volume = 0.1 Wait(500) wc.Volume = 2 Wait(500) wc.Volume = 1 Skip seconds of audio: wc2.Skip(1) Seek to determine playback start in audio data wc2.Seek(100000, SeekOrigin.Begin) Download the sample project here , remember to put NAudio.dll inside gtaiv.exe folder, or you will obtain error when calling the methods :)

Iron Man IV - New armors

Let me group here the new armors that are coming. Download last version of Iron Man IV here Check how to install the armors here  (replace method, more indicated) Models by  H1Vltg3 ,  wapeddell  and  Quechus13

Iron Man IV - Installing new armors - Step by step

In this video i show how to install an new armor, the step by step is described bellow... Installing the ped model 1 - Download the new armor, save and extract the files to an folder: 2 - Choose an ped model name to replace and rename the armor files to this new ped model name: Good names to use : Any mission character ( starts with ig_, i tested in patch and and seems to don't cause problems :) ), m_y_prison, m_y_prisonaom, m_y_multiplayer, use OpenIV to check the correct names: 3 - Open the OpenIV, click in "Edit mode" to activate the edit mode, answer Yes to the question after the click. 4 - In OpenIV, open folder models\cdimages and open file componentpeds.img: 5 - Drag and drop all armor files to OpenIV, also you can use the menu Edit > Add instead of drag and drop To check if new armor is ok, find the armor file that ends with .wdd and double click it (in OpenIV) Check the check boxes at left top corner to see all armor parts: *Some armors ...

[Script] Star Wars Speeder bike script

This script will make possible to fly an bike and shoot with laser gun almost like in Star Wars movies Download the script  here Download the Star Wars Speeder Bike  here  (v2.0 here ) (by  Emad-Tvk ) The default bike model is NRG900 (same model of bike from Emad-Tvk), you can change the model name of the bike that will be the Speeder in the auto generated .ini file. You can spawn the bike using scripthook's  console command: spawn , example: spawn nrg900 Maybe i will add some cops flying and shooting with Speeder bikes, this can be very cool ^^

[Script] Iron Man IV v1.1 - Prerelease post

I will "prerelease" the Iron Man IV script v1.1 here, I'm working on it, it's not finished yet but i fixed some issues related to aim camera, animations and the "Error in script 'Iron Man IV' and other things, it's not a good idea reupload this file because it will be updated soon probably ;), when i finish this i will send to h1vltg3 so he can update the original download sources. Download last version here Check the  new armors  post Backup your previous version :) Changes: Fixed water bug that happens when you fall in water when in flight, causing an bug in camera making it look to the ass of the player when aiming ^^ Fixed error for missing files, now the missing files will be ignored Fixed "look behind" function, now you can look behind (commonly triggered with key C) without having that weird camera movement Fixed chest repulsor beam position Fixed hand repulsor beam position Fixed fast rotation behavior when activating flight, now pla...

[W.I.P.] Weed script ^^

Why not? Fear? No way, I'm atheist, i don't fear gods do you think that i will fear man? haha kidding ;) This script is an (not expected) request that will bring some cool things to GTA iV, you will be able to buy and smoke some weed, also you can buy and sell big amount of weed (pack) and, in an next future, help big dealers in some mini quests. Download here: Hotkeys: J - call Jacob B - open "business" menu L - light up some weed ^^ +/-   increase/decrease weed/pack/price when doing business Enter - accept values/amount  when doing business B - cancel buy/sell menu Hold middle mouse to smoke slower ^^ Now it's time to work in Hulk and Tank mod, damm im delayed ^^ It's a W.I.P. (Work In Progress) so, have some bugs and weird behaviors :)