
Showing posts from April, 2013

[TUT] Particle effects

Today let's play with particle effects, it's simple and give an good look to the script effects. Download the project here . As you probably know an particle effect (PTFX) in GTA IV is the effect of bullet impacts, water splash, explosions, fire, water fountain, weapons muzzle, sparks, etc.. They are almost everywhere in the game. In this video i show some interesting particle effects, take a look :) To call this effects we can use the following methods: START_PTFX START_PTFX_ON_OBJ START_PTFX_ON_OBJ_BONE START_PTFX_ON_PED START_PTFX_ON_PED_BONE START_PTFX_ON_VEH TRIGGER_PTFX TRIGGER_PTFX_ON_OBJ TRIGGER_PTFX_ON_OBJ_BONE TRIGGER_PTFX_ON_PED TRIGGER_PTFX_ON_PED_BONE TRIGGER_PTFX_ON_VEH As you can see we have two types of method, START and TRIGGER , the difference is that START will return an Particle Effect ID , and with this ID we have some control over the PTFX, we can stop the effect when we want for example, or change the particle effect Offset too. The TRIGGER will only call...


Let me write here some mod's requests: Alessio Calandrella Hi, can u help creating a little script. The Script must work in this way: Press Alt+Z to get the ems bag. The bag will attach to the player. Jebus28279 Hey man, what's up? So I have had an idea of a script on GTA IV for about 4 years now, but no one has seemed to do it or attempt it. I was really wanting to know if somehow or someway it would be possible to make a grab mod. And I don't mean cars, I mean walls, and objects, because it seems possible considering when peds begin to fall off of a ledge, slide down a hill, or etc they try to grab and hang on to the nearest thing they can grip to save their self. But I've wanted a mod that would allow the player to press a key and grab onto a wall at anytime. I have no idea if it can be done, but it's just something I've been wanting on this game for a loonnnggg time, because I always use things like the ragdoll mod to mess around with every time I play becau...

[TUT] Settings file - Saving and loading .INI config info

Today i wanna show how you can load and save configuration in .INI files, this is very useful to set customizable things in your script like Hotkeys, timeouts, offsets, etc.. Download the sample project here , let's use this project as the base for this tutorial. Reading data Let's start with the basic, the basic is the ScriptHook native Settings object. to read data from the script default INI file we can use the following methods:         Settings.GetValueBool         Settings.GetValueFloat         Settings.GetValueInteger         Settings.GetValueKey         Settings.GetValueModel          Settings.GetValueNames         Settings.GetValueString         Settings.GetValueVector3 As you can see we have different types of return, i generally use GetValueString because its easier to handle. Those methods require some param...

Iron Man IV script mod - Possible problems and possible solutions :)

In this post i wanna show some possible problems that you can have with Iron Man IV script and some possible solutions. First of all, if the script don't work, you did something wrong or have wrong or incompatible software (Crack, patch version, ASI loader, scripthook version, etc.), the script works fine if everything is ok, and it's not hard to make it happen, basically a fresh install of the game "patched" to in a computer with .Net framework 4.0 and running the game as administrator will be enough. Download last version here Make sure that you have the following packages installed: and maybe: Make sure that you can load .Net Scripthook scripts or you will not be able to run this mod :( Possible problems Game crash at loading screen. This can happen if you: Is using wrong  S...

[Script] Chainsaw for GTA iV

Chainsaw in GTA Vice City was a bad ass weapon, why don't have something similar in GTA IV? Download:  here  ( mirror ) You will be able to equip an chainsaw and have some GTA Vice City killing style.

[TUT] Cool "3D" target HUD

Today i wanna show how you can use some game features to create an cool "3D" target HUD to use in your scripts, this is an preview of what I'm talking about: Download the sample script here . The idea consists in draw checkpoints/coronas around the target, we will use the native function  DRAW_CHECKPOINT to draw the checkpoints. Download the sample project  here , let's use this project as the base for this tutorial. We will need the following objects to make this code work: here we will store the possible targets this will be the interval of the targets search this object will give offset positions around the target this is just an variable to help us create an rotation effect for the target HUD, we will increase it and apply to the Y value of the targetAux object rotation this will set the actual target so we can kid with it :) When the script loads we should create the object, choose an model with small volume to avoid collisions with other things, we also set thi...

[Script] Iron Man IV - Release post and installation guide :)

This mod allows you to have some Iron Man features like repulsor beam, cannon and flight :) Download last version : New armors: Armor pack: Features Different armors with armor selection menu Super strength melee attacks (Q and R keys) Minigun/cannon Darts for silent kill Mini rockets with multi target lock (up to 10) Hand repulsor beam Chest repulsor beam Flight ability Also you can have one Ally to help you and flying enemies Controls Options Menu: Number 0 (not numpad0) - Show Options Menu Left/Right - Switch menu item Enter - Choose/Toggle menu item Hold Spacebar (Jump) briefly to toggle Flight Mode ON/OFF Hold Right Mouse Button (Aim) to aim/Set Targets (Must hold Aim to fire) Left Mouse Click (Fire) - Fire Weapon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Switch Weapons Hold ...