[Update] Heli Combat v1.2

Download: GTA 4 Mods News for Heli Combat script: Added customizable hotkeys, now you can set the keys for: Shoot - hkShoot=LButton Switch actual gun - hkSwitchGun=Q Switch camera - hkSwitchCam=X Shoot cannon - hkShootCannon=ControlKey Shoot hellfire - hkShootHellFire=NumPad0 Shoot rocket - hkShootRocket=ShiftKey Release flares - hkReleaseFlares=E Show helicopter spawn menu - hkShowSpawnMenu=Subtract Switch turret camera mode - hkSwitchNightVisionMode=N Also you can set an custom resolution, for users with very large resolutions like 3840x2160, i didn't tested but i believe that will work: bForceCustomResolution=1 myWidth=3840 myHeight=2160 Added config for some helicopter models (folder \Scripts\HeliFiles\Helicopters\More helicopters): AH-1Z Viper http://www.gta4-mods.com/vehicles/ah-1z-viper-from-battlefield-3-f19524 AH6 Little Bird http://www.gtainside.com/en/download.php?do=getfile&id=43972&t=1 AH-64 Longbow Apache http://www.gta4-mods.com/vehicles/ah-64d-longbow-apac...