[TUT] GTA V - Playing and handling animations
Playing Ped animations To play Ped animations in V we seems to only have one option (at least my tests with other methods didn't worked :) ), we need to task the Ped to play the animation. This is the method: TASK_PLAY_ANIM Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.TASK_PLAY_ANIM, thePed, sDict, sAnim, speed, speed * -1, -1, flags, 0, False, bDisableLegIK, False) The params description (seems to be): Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash. TASK_PLAY_ANIM , thePed, - The Ped that will play the animation sDict, - The dictionary where the anim is located sAnim, - The anim name speed, - The play start speed (This is important to make smooth changes between anims) speed * -1, - I don't know what exactly is, but in my tests work fine this way -1, - Unknown flags, - Flags that you can set for the playback, some of them are described some lines below 0, - Unknown False, - Unknown bDisableLegIK, - If the anim will ignore the leg/foot interaction with o...