
Showing posts from August, 2015

GTA V PC - Angry Planes remake

Trying to remake the Angry Planes mod :) Buzzards, Valkyries, Savages, Lazer Jets and Titans will come and shoot missiles and bullets :) Tanks and Insurgents will spawn on ground to defeat the attackers. Download *** If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** Installation :  Check this post You NEED  ScripthookVDotNet  installed and working to run my mods ;) Hotkeys Ctrl+N - Show mods menu, there you can switch the mod on/off, ot you can set a hotkey in the mod .ini file. You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file You also can change the max number of planes and the desired planes speed Credits JulioNIB ASI Loader + ScripthookV  by Alexander blade ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire Screens

GTA V PC - Add vehicles idea (No replace)

In this tutorial i show how to add vehicles without replace any game vehicle :) English version: Soon Portuguese BR version: Download of pack Main link  -   mirror 1 You can spawn the custom models with my mods menu script, it goes with my mods. *** If you want share or make videos of this post/file, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** 1 - Download the pack :) 2 - Copy the files to the desired folders:    "to update folder" copy to your "update" folder    "to update.rpf" copy the dlclist.xml and replace the one inside "update.rpf\common\data\" 3 - Now you are ready to install new vehicles without replace. 4 - Download a vehicle, let's use as sample this one 5 - Rename the vehicle files to the name you want, in this example i will rename to gol18: 6 - Now add those files to the following path:    "update\x64\dlcpacks\go...

GTA V PC - Jetpack model v3 by Risadinha009 and Jotape17

Model inspired by movie Kickass :) Download Script (Required):  Mirror 1  -   mirror 2 Model v3: Main Link Model v2: Main Link *** If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** Installation of script :  Check this post Installation of Jetpack v3 models : Use same idea of IronmanV armor setup, watch this video . Hotkeys Ctrl+N - Show mods menu J - Toggle Jetpack equip/unequip Hold space - Toggle engine on/off (In bikes is the horn button, commonly E) Shift (Sprint) - Go Up Control (Duck) - Go Down Move controls (WASD) - Move forward/backward/left/right (Tap W to increase speed, hold to keep) Mouse - Control direction Left mouse + Unarmed = Minigun shoot :) You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file Credits Model by Risadinha009 Textures by Jotape17 Script by JulioNIB ASI Loader + ScripthookV ...

GTA V Ironman v2.0 - Download and installation guide - Armors and script

Hope that this blog post help people install the IronmanV and the armors, download links are some lines below in Downloads section. Download Script (Required) Download the script here *Make sure you have the required windows packages for ScripthookVDotNet: Download of Armors (Optional) Armor - Mark III armor by JulioNIB:  Main link   -  Mirror Armor - Mark III armor by Rarefacer:  Main link   -  Mirror (Blue version:  here ) Armor - Mini Hulkbuster armor:  Main link   -  Mirror 1 Armor - War Machine armor:  Main link   -  Mirror 1  (Don't forget to update your script) Armor - Hammer Drone armor:  Main link   -  Mirror 1  (Don't forget to update your script v1.5 or later) You can watch the full installation guide here :  (PT-BR)

GTA V - Ironman mini Hulkbuster armor

A mini Hulkbuster armor for GTA V PC (mini due to actual modding/my imagination limits). I recommend that you update your IronmanV script to v1.2 (links below) to have some cool new features for this armor :) Download: All links are in  this post,  it also contains installation guide for script and armors Check how to use mods folder to install the armor files  here Case you have invisible/distant armor parts do the following: -Go to your "Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\IronmanV Files\armors" folder -Open the armor .ini config file with notepad -In the numeric values, replace the commas with dots, example: change from 0,15 to 0.15 -Save the file and reload game/savegame *** If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** Installation of script :  Check this post Installation of armor: Check this post  or this v...

GTA V - Ironman Mark III armor release and installation guide

v1.1 Changes: -Changed speed increase mode, after 2 or 3 W press it will progressive increase the speed. -Added multi armors support -Some bug fixes Download: All links are in  this post,  it also contains installation guide for script and armors Check how to use mods folder to install the armor files here Invisible armor parts issue: Download this armor config file  ( mirror ) and replace the original one, or change your windows language settings to use Comma instead of Dot as decimal separator :) *AdBlocker may cause issues with download pages. Script activation link: You need ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet working to use my mods *** If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** Installation of script :  Check this post Installation of armor - Ma...