
Showing posts from October, 2014

Jetpack mod

Old request, a Jetpack mod for GTA IV, this one was inspired by Kick Ass movie, so, it have two powerful miniguns. +Features: -Fire guns while using jetpack (except melee and thrown weapons) -Spawn enemy in jetpack -Spawn crazy killer in jetpack -Spawn bodyguard in jetpack -Some SWAT cops will come in jetpacks when wanted level is greater than 3 Download The jetpack must be "unlocked" performing the Kill Frenzy in airport. Case you tried and failed several times and now have that "frustrating feeling", check this post to see how to bypass this :) Case you have very low fps (under 20) and the jetpack moves too much slow you can increase the move force multiplier (forceMultiplier) in the mod .ini file at gta Scripts folder. *** If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** Installation : This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to i...

[TUT] Creating animations for objects in GTA IV

This video show how to create simple object animations for GTA IV :) Download the files used here In resume: -Create new "bones" -Link bones to create the structure of the object -Link the object Mesh parts with bones -Animate bones (rotate and/or move) -Export model -Export anims using Andrew's OAD Credits Andrew's OAD Exporter GIMS IV OpenIV

Custom safehouse and garage script

This mod make possible set fake savehouse spots anywhere in the map, when game loads the script checks if user has saved in that spot and then teleports player to that position. It also let you set positions to save any kind of vehicle. The mod use teleport instead of normal game savehouse method because the normal game method (in a .net script loaded after game load) result in random game crash and random wrong spawn position issues. Download Always run game as administrator v1.1: -Added feature to save vehicle extra parts settings -Added checkpoint draw for current vehicle save position -Improved save game detection method *** If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** Installation : This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here Hotkeys Insert - Show mods menu E (XBox control: DPad Right) - Activate save men...