+Centered car camera v1.1

The idea in this simple script is make a car camera that will be more centered than the normal one in GTA IV, something similar to what we have in GTA V. Obs.: The video show first beta version, actual result is very similar. It works very well and really helps the driving, you basically can forget about the mouse while driving, don't need to keep centering camera for each turn :) For normal look hold aim. You can enable or disable the script in the mods menu. There is a list of exclude models in the .ini file, you can add or remove new vehicles, by default Faggio (commonly used in player flight scripts), Ripley and Airtug (commonly used as airplane) are in the list. Download v1.2.1: -Fixed issue with XBox control that was disabling camera when accelerating. v1.2: -Added a "pitch fix" that improve camera angle when car is with negative pitch, before the script was making camera go close to car making impossible to see what is in front of the car. -Fixed bug related to dr...