
Showing posts from November, 2013

Parachute IV

This is my Parachute script for GTA IV and TLaD (also TBoGT). Basically it adds the ability to control the free fall and have a parachute to use almost like in TBoGT. The speeds are a little different, also the anims and sounds, but the result is very similar. A nice feature of this mod is the possibility to use guns while in parachute. When entering a helicopter you will automatically receive a parachute, like in GTA V. In the map you will find some blips with text "Pb" where you can go to perform a parachute jump. Download If the parachute model don't appear you need to increase your detail/view distance in game graphics options, this model has a bug that makes this happen :) *** if you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** Installation : This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here Hotkeys E - Go to jump location/Release ...

V Style - Char Switch and more

This mod is the evolution of the Main Character Switcher that i made before GTA V release, now we have real sounds and more accurate timing for the screen effects when switching.  Additional features: Direct punch attack Jump and attack effect (fall) Special abilities Frag screen effect (white blink) Health regeneration up to half max health Weapon selection HUD Multiple guns (ex.: You can have Glock and Desert Eagle at same time) Characters interaction (You can call the other chars to help you) v1.1 released, fixed some issues and added option to enable/disable some features Download To enable the squared map support open your V_Style.ini file (that will be in gta Scripts folder after first use) and change bSquaredMap=0 to bSquaredMap=1 in the General section. Use this when you already have a squared map mod installed. *** if you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: