Parachute IV

This is my Parachute script for GTA IV and TLaD (also TBoGT). Basically it adds the ability to control the free fall and have a parachute to use almost like in TBoGT. The speeds are a little different, also the anims and sounds, but the result is very similar. A nice feature of this mod is the possibility to use guns while in parachute. When entering a helicopter you will automatically receive a parachute, like in GTA V. In the map you will find some blips with text "Pb" where you can go to perform a parachute jump. Download If the parachute model don't appear you need to increase your detail/view distance in game graphics options, this model has a bug that makes this happen :) *** if you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: Thanks *** Installation : This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here Hotkeys E - Go to jump location/Release ...